Meet the Mentors- Get to know Penny McCall!

Did you know Women In Ag has a network of mentors?

Our mentors are Saskatchewan women involved in agriculture with diverse backgrounds and experience to help motivate, inspire and guide WIA members. These women are leaders in their careers and have worked to achieve greatness at many levels. Our membership and directors have come to rely on these mentors in many ways. 

Recently Shayla Hertz, WIA Director & Mentorship Coordinator, reached out to our mentors and asked them five questions. These five questions were asked with all WIA members in mind. No matter what stage of your career you are in, we hope these questions and responses help you reflect on your career and motivate you to make changes or set new goals. 

Stay tuned for the next five Mondays as we kick off your week with #motivationalmonday and #mentorshipmonday! 

First up we have Penny McCall. Penny is currently Assistant Deputy Minister of Regulatory and Innovation, and this is her fifth position within her 20+ year tenure with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture. Prior to this role, she was Executive Director of the Crops and Irrigation Branch.

Penny would be happy to work with you on finding your voice and using your passions to serve your purpose in whatever work you do.

  1. What is the BEST mistake you have ever made in your career?

    Working at a job I failed at, including working for people I didn’t respect and where I didn’t feel appreciated. It was horrible at the time and I felt worthless and alone. But I stuck it out long enough to learn what I needed to … including what it means to know who and what you are, and why a positive culture is so crucial in a workplace.

  2. What have been your biggest “ah-ha” or learning moments throughout your career? 

    That no one will care about your career as much as you do. Yes, you will have amazing mentors and friends along the way that lift you up and make the journey more rewarding, but it is up to you to embrace the opportunity in front of you, work hard and become who you are meant to be.

  3. What external organizations have you been involved with that helped build success for you?

    Coaches have been important throughout my entire life, starting when I was a kid in 4-H, to playing sports for a number of years, and now having an executive coach that is still prepared to call me out on my ‘foul balls’! I also have sat on a number of boards and committees that helped me understand the importance of hearing diverse opinions, seeking to understand and making difficult decisions.

  4. What is your main tool in managing life while cultivating your career? 

    Being the same person both inside and outside of work. Being true to yourself means having self-compassion and knowing when your personal health and family needs more attention, or when your work family and responsibilities need more attention. 

  5. Do you have any advice or words of wisdom you would like to offer Sask Women in Ag members? Consider: some members are just entering the workforce, others have been working for 5 years, and there are also those who are 10 years into their careers. 

    A career in Agriculture is as diverse as you want it to be. Just like a crop, you harvest the seeds you plant and give attention too. And there is always the chance to learn and try again. Be curious, ask questions, be kind, share knowledge and believe in others.   

Penny McCall, BSA, MSc, PAg

Assistant, Deputy Minister – Regulatory and Innovation 

Ministry of Agriculture

Government of Saskatchewan

101 – 3085 Albert Street

Regina SK  S4X 4L7

Phone: 306-787-5247

Cell: 306-527-0727
